It is super important that YOU take responsibility to prevent and stop bullying and harassment on campus. Get great tips on what you can say and do from Cecilie, coordinator at SSN Health.
Preventing bullying and harassment is an important task for all of society. The more of us who work together to stand up for others, dare to speak out when someone goes too far, or work on ourselves to eliminate bias, the better it is for the larger goal of greater diversity and inclusion.
Remember that we at SSN Health are here for you if you need someone to talk to.
If you experience someone expressing bad attitudes and discriminatory or racist comments, we know it can be challenging to handle the situation.
Confront them: If you feel comfortable doing so, you can try confronting them by saying something like: I don't think it's okay to say such things. It is important to respect all people regardless of their background.
Offer perspective: Try to explain that such attitudes can be harmful because they can contribute to maintaining discrimination, prejudice, and various forms of injustice.
Set boundaries: If the person does not change their attitude, you can clearly say that you do not want to be part of the conversation when it is characterized by racism or discrimination.
Let's create a campus environment where there is room for everyone!
We encourage you to talk about the importance of being aware of harassment and racism, and how it can affect a person's safety and the importance of having a clear zero-tolerance policy for harassment and racism.
And to you who may feel interested in overcoming your own prejudices. Great! We would love to help guide you in the right direction.
Be open and honest with yourself: Be willing to acknowledge that you may have prejudices, and be aware of what prejudices you have.
Expand your knowledge: Learn about different cultures, traditions, and perspectives. Read books, watch films, and documentaries that explore diversity in the world.
Meet people from different backgrounds: Take the initiative to meet people who are different from you. Participate in events, organizations, or activities that promote diversity and inclusion.
Listen and ask questions: Be curious and open to learning from others' experiences. Ask questions to better understand their perspectives.
Reflect on your own attitudes: Explore why you have certain prejudices and reflect on how they influence your thoughts and actions.
Challenge your own prejudices: Be willing to challenge your own prejudices by asking questions, being open to new perspectives, and changing attitudes when you gain new insights.
Be conscious of language use and stereotypes: Be aware of how you talk about other people and avoid using stereotypical expressions or generalizations.
Remember that overcoming prejudices is a continuous process. It takes time and effort, but it is definitely worth it to create a more inclusive and fair society. 🌈🫶
Report it is a service to improve safety and security. Here you can report any undesirable incidents (deviations).
Examples of incidents that must be reported:
Damage to people or material
Bullying, sexual harassment, threatening situations and criminal offences such as violence, theft, robbery etc.
Computer fraud and sensitive information in the wrong hands
Failure or deficiencies in safety and security procedures or technical security measures
Violation of laws, regulations and internal procedures