Student health

We are here if you need someone to talk to.

🍆 Remember to use a condom!

The start of term is fun, but nasty statistics about STIs are a fact🦠.

STIs and free condoms

Students ask

Students ask is a free service for students. Ask questions anonymously and get answers from healthcare personnel, or search among questions that others have already asked.

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We are here for you!

Did you know there is an easily accessible person on your campus, that you can contact if you for example need help with the social environment in your accommodation?

Read more

Any questions?

You book the first appointment yourself in our online booking system.

NB. You need a D-number for online booking! Don't have a D-number? Call our Healthline at +47 31 00 84 44 to get help with booking.

  • Choose the campus you study at. If you are a student in Kongsberg, book your first appointment here (only digital appointments).

  • Then choose whether you want a digital or physical initial conversation.

  • Feel free to select "First available time" to see this. Click on the desired date and then time.

  • You will now be asked the question: "Do you want to book this appointment?" Select YES.

  • You will now be asked to enter your social security number. Once this has been registered, you will receive an SMS from SSN Helse, with a code to authenticate you. Enter the code and log in.

  • Your appointment will now be confirmed.

  • Later, you may change or cancel your appointment in the same booking system.

Cancel appointment?

If you already use the counselling service and need a new appointment, you can call our Healthline between 8.30 am and 2 pm: +47 31 00 84 44.

Are you a new user of the counselling service? Read more about how to book the first appointment here.

📍Student in Kongsberg? Read more about booking a new appointment at Braive here.

No, psychologists/counsellors at SSN cannot issue sick leave certificates, even if the need for sick leave may be due to health challenges related to their expertise.

For sick leave, you must contact your GP. If you do not have a GP, you must contact the emergency room (116 117).

No, you do not have to pay to go to a psychologist / therapist at SSN Health. The service is free and an important part of SSN's welfare services for you who are a student in Southeast Norway.

The offer applies to students who have paid the semester fee to SSN and can present a valid student ID.

NB! If you cancel an appointment with SSN Health too late (you must cancel no later than 24 hours before), you will receive a fee.

At Campus Hallingdal, a digital counseling service is available. As a student at USN Campus Hallingdal who has paid the semester fee, you can use SSN's free counseling service. You can book your first session here.

If you are already in counselling at SSN Health and need a new appointment, you can call our Healthline for assistance.

Good for you!

Good for you is an interdisciplinary SSN concept that will help promote physical, mental and social student health.

Good for you