The student funds shall support activities by and for students, with the goal of a vital, diverse and inclusive student environment.
In order to apply for support, the activities must be run by students and be for the students at educational institutions affiliated to SSN:
USN's eight campuses (Bø, Drammen, Kongsberg, Notodden, Porsgrunn, Rauland, Ringerike and Vestfold).
Fall term:
15 September and 15 November.
Spring term:
15 February and 15 April
Budget limits for funds shall be determined by the Board of SSN each year. These funds are distributed four times a year; two in the autumn term and two in the spring term.
A project description.
An explanation of the applicant's connection to SSN.
An explanation of how the project contributes to achieving the purpose of this support fund.
A budget.
Activities that appear exclusive, such as internal activities within associations / organisations, or between selected associations / organisations.
Applications where a large part of the application sum is to be used for the association’s / organisation’s own members, such as fees / salaries or food and drink.
Activities outside the associated campus usually receive no support. However, special events that cannot be conducted on a campus may receive funding in exceptional circumstances.
Activities within the framework of course work / teaching, such as projects, field trips and study tours related to study programmes or courses.
Alcohol or other drugs.
Transportation / travel expenses.
When applying for support funds you agree to SSN communicating your e-mail address to other applicants with similar applications, in order to share equipment.
We have a goal to contribute to a rich variety of activities, including different equipment on all campuses. To achieve this goal we need the equipment on the different campuses to be shared, so that we can focus on dividing the money at different activities.
Any appeals against decisions must be presented in writing no later than one month after the decision has been made. Appeals may be sent to [email protected]. The appeal body is the Student Welfare Organisation’s Managing Director or the person he/she authorises to process appeals.
Funds must be repaid in full if not used in accordance with the application.
Funds will be allocated according to the degrees to which the projects fulfil the purpose of the Support Fund and according to a discretionary assessment.