The purpose of the student funds is to support activities by and for students, aiming to create a vibrant, diverse, and inclusive student environment that promotes mental, physical, and social well-being.
In order to apply for support, the activities must be run by students and be for the students at educational institutions affiliated to SSN:
USN's nine campuses (Bø, Drammen, Kongsberg, Notodden, Porsgrunn, Rauland, Hønefoss and Vestfold).
The budget framework for the scheme is determined annually by the SSN Board. Funds are allocated twice a year: once during the autumn semester and once during the spring semester. When all funds for the current semester have been used, no further applications can be submitted until the next semester.
A brief description of what you are applying for funding for and how the activity contributes to fulfilling the purpose of the funding scheme.
A budget for the initiative for which funding is being sought. See an example of a budget setup.
Documentation proving that the applicant has paid the semester fee for the current application period to an educational institution affiliated with SSN.
Activities that are open, inclusive, and accessible to all students who wish to participate.
The activity(ies) must take place on campus, preferably in student-managed facilities. Exceptions are made where it is natural.
Your activity must be eligible to be listed as an event in the Sørøst calendar.
Check what other students have received funding for.
Board Game Club
Book Club
Knitting Club
Operational and Administrative Expenses for Line Associations
Seed Reproduction Courses
Film Club
Equipment for Sports Activities
Kroa Kreativ
Student Chess
LAN Parties
Christmas Workshop
Students and organized student associations/groups at an educational institution affiliated with SSN.
The scheme applies to all students/associations that do not receive financial contributions from their educational institution.
Student societies/Kroa in Bø must include a complete event budget with their application, as well as the latest results report.
Buddy boards for activities during the start of studies. The amount is calculated based on the number of students at the campus.
Sustainability Conference.
Line associations (a set amount of up to NOK 5000 per academic year for operational and administrative costs).
Funds for activities/events.
Refreshments: Up to NOK 50 per participant, with a maximum allocation of NOK 5000 per event. Refreshments should preferably be ordered from SSN's dining establishments, where possible. Contact the local canteen manager directly to make arrangements. This is because SSN's profits are reinvested in students, benefiting the student community.
To apply for refreshments, the application must include another activity as the basis, e.g., game night, social evening, excursion, etc.
Prizes/gifts up to NOK 500. Prizes must be purchased from SSN's Nordli stores on campus or SSN's dining establishments on campus, where possible.
Activities held outside the campus/student premises generally do not receive funding. Special events that cannot be held on campus may receive funding on an exceptional basis.
Class/study-related initiatives, teaching, and excursions.
Alcohol or other intoxicating substances.
In line with SSN's sustainability strategy, the reuse and sharing of equipment are encouraged. By submitting your application, you consent to SSN sharing your email address with others applying for the same, to maximize the sharing of resources.
Our goal is to contribute to a wide range of activities with associated equipment across all campuses. To achieve this, we aim to enable as many as possible to share equipment purchased at the different campuses, so that funds can be distributed to a variety of activities instead.
The grant must be repaid in full if it is not used in accordance with the application. Allocations will be prioritized based on how well the initiatives fulfill the purpose of the scheme, as assessed on a discretionary basis. The requested amount will be evaluated in relation to the number of participants and whether the initiative is a one-time event or recurring.
A short report, including copies of receipts/invoices, must be submitted after the activity/event is completed. A report template will be sent with the decision. You are encouraged to include pictures, if desired, for potential sharing on and social media. It is recommended to obtain consent from individuals depicted in the photos.
SSN is committed to ensuring that student funds are distributed to facilitate activities on all campuses. This means you may experience rejection of your application if the campus has already received a significant amount of funding from previous applications.
SSN is committed to ensuring that student funds are distributed to facilitate activities on all campuses. This means you may experience rejection of your application if the campus has already received a significant amount of funding from previous applications.
Any appeals against decisions must be presented in writing no later than one month after the decision has been made. Appeals may be sent to [email protected]. The appeal body is the Student Welfare Organisation’s Managing Director or the person he/she authorises to process appeals.
Funds must be repaid in full if not used in accordance with the application.
Funds will be allocated according to the degrees to which the projects fulfil the purpose of the Support Fund and according to a discretionary assessment.
Apply for student funds