Mental Helse Helpline is a free and 24/7 telephone service. You can remain anonymous, and the service is confidential. Read more about Mental Helse Helpline
Phone number: 116 123
Office: | Room 1306 |
Phone: | +47 31 00 84 44 |
Katarina has a master’s degree in psychology. She has broad experience in both counselling and talk therapy on issues related to mental and physical health. Katarina is especially interested in how transitional challenges and adversities in life shape us as adults, and the impact our relationship to ourselves and others have on our quality of life.
Office: | Only digital conversations in Drammen. |
Phone: | +47 31 00 84 44 |
Hilde is a trained psychologist, has worked as such for many years and has extensive experience with various psychological issues. Hilde can help you with small and big challenges, preferably the ones that are most prominent in relations to other people. Hilde can, for example, help with anxiety, breakup in friendship, love grief, depression, study pressure and low self-esteem.
You can contact the advisor/coordinator for student relations by sending a message via the contact button.
Office: | Gitte has an office behind the bookstore Norli Bok og Kaffe. Here she is present every day except Thursday. |
Phone: | +47 31 00 90 00 |
Gitte is an advisor for student relations in SSN's Department for Health Promotion and Prevention.
She is present at Campus Drammen every day to work to ensure that students have a good and meaningful student life. Gitte has extensive work experience in mental health and health promotion. She has a bachelor's degree in health science and a master's degree in public health science, and has previously worked as a counsellor, milieu therapist and supervisor.
Do you have any questions? Do you need someone to talk to about small or big things in life? Do you need help finding an association or something else to join? Is there something going on in the flat share you live in?
If you are already involved in student volunteering, you can also get help and support with student association work. If you want to get in touch with the associations on your campus, the student relations advisor/coordinator is also the person to talk to!
International students may use GP services in the host municipality. Read more about GP on Helsenorge.
How to get an appointment?
International students can get an appointment with the GP in one of three ways:
1. By contacting a GP in the city and asking for an appointment.
2. By contact the municipality of, who will help you to find a GP who can offer a consultation.
3. If urgent medical attention is required: Contact the emergency care unit (116 117) or call 113 if it is critical.
Students from EU/EEA countries or Switzerland:
Students from an EU/EEA country or Switzerland are entitled to necessary medical attention at treatment locations associated with the public health service. Upon presentation of a European Health Insurance Card they will be charged the same amount as Norwegians pay for the same health service.
Students from countries outside the EU/EEA:
Students from countries outside the EU/EEA are not entitled to coverage for costs of medical treatment from the Norwegian National Insurance scheme and are not entitled to get their medical expences compensated. Students in this category must pay the excess/fee when using GP services in accordance with the standard tariff for patients not covered by the National Insurance scheme for each appointment/consultation.
Additional services such as taking blood samples or other medical procedures/tests are not included in this example. Students from outside the EU/EEA must pay the full cost of GP visits and seek a refund from their private travel insurance policy.
Offer for all young people between the ages of 13-25 who either live or stay temporarily in the municipality - students at USN can make use of the offer.
Public health nurse
Appointment booking and Drop-in offer
Read all about the offer and see opening times on Drammen Municipality's website.
Contact phone: 408 23 482
Offer for all young people between the ages of 13-25 who either live or stay temporarily in the municipality - students at USN can make use of the offer.
Public health nurse
Appointment booking and Drop-in offer
Read all about the offer and see opening times on Drammen Municipality's website.
Contact phone: 408 23 482
The offer applies to everyone between the ages of 13 and 25 who live in the municipality.
Conversations/getting an order of bad thoughts.
Help to apply for school/job.
Help to communicate with other help organs.
Help to quit drug addiction.
Employees at Ungdomstorget can talk to your parents if you wish.
All contact with Ungdomstorget is free of charge, and the employees are bound by confidentiality.
You can also find Ungdomstorget in Drammen on Facebook.
The Nok. centre is a multidisciplinary, free-of-charge and low-threshold service for anyone who has been a victim of sexual assault, as well as their relatives.
Phone: +47 948 17 041
Email: [email protected]
Five teams made up of several professions:
Psychiatric nurses
Psychologists/psychological specialists
Who can they help?
Young people between the ages of 16-20 can make contact themselves
Parents can make contact - with children between 0-20 years
The starting point is family focus
Read all about the offer on Drammen Municipality's website.
Phone: +47 32 86 18 00
E mail: [email protected]
Please note that you must have a referral from a GP, psychologist or private practitioner for appointments and treatment at DPS.
24-hour phone: 116 123
At Helsepilotene Nemus Drammen you may get help with sore muscles and joints. This is an interdisciplinary clinic with chiropractors, physiotherapists and masseurs. They have a short waiting list and you may get an appointment immediately.
Read more about the offer on Nemus Drammen´s website, or book an appointment online.
Chiropractors are authorized health professionals with a role as primary contacts within musculoskeletal health. They have a 5-year university education and the same referral rights to the specialist health service as your GP, in addition to the right to sick leave for up to 12 weeks. A chiropractor examines and treats the entire musculoskeletal system in addition to ailments related to headaches / migraines and dizziness.
Physiotherapists are authorized health professionals who treat and prevent injuries and diseases that cause pain or impaired function in the musculoskeletal system. The treatment is based on the assessment of the patient's problem and what the patient himself wants help with.
Nemus' masseur uses a wide range of different massage techniques such as trigger point massage, sports massage and classic massage. These shapes are adapted to each individual's wishes.
Contact Helsepilotene Nemus Drammen:
+47 47 87 77 00 or [email protected]
2nd floor in CC Drammen, Tomtegata 36, 3012 Drammen.
Have you had high health expenses during the recent months, such as expenses from doctor appointments, dentist or physiotherapist?
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