Raising revenue for the association is the most important task of the board. Here are some tips and advice for getting your finances in order.
SSN's student funding
Students affiliated with SSN can apply for funding for activities by and for students. Applications are submitted digitally via a form. Initiatives that benefit many will be given priority in the allocation process.
Here you can find the award criteria for SSN's student funding.
Find out more about SSN´s fundingOther grants
The government's collection of grants to voluntary organizations - tilskudd.no
List of various grant schemes - støtteordninger.no
Frivillighet Norge has created a collection of support schemes at ungfritid.no
Set aside time to get an overview
Use a board meeting to get an overview of the financing of your association: Go through what income you have, what income you need and where you can apply for funding. Make a plan and allocate tasks.
Other sources of income
Educational institutions often have assignments that are either outsourced to external organisations or to individual students. This could be help with marketing at education fairs, or help during the start of the semester and on Open Day. You should endeavour to win these assignments.
The good thing about doing assignments for the educational institution is that the institution then spends its money twice. First, the assignment is carried out, and then the organisation will use the funding to create an even better student environment. This is an argument that is worth its weight in gold in negotiations with the educational institution.
One tip is to contact the communications department at the educational institution or faculty to find out whether they use students in their marketing, for example at trade fairs and the like.
Your local student democracy often has funds that can be redistributed to student organisations. Contact your leader or learning environment manager to see if they can support your project.
Volunteer work can be a good source of income for student organisations. Classic volunteer work includes sales assignments, inventory counting, snow removal, etc.
There are also many film and TV production companies that are constantly looking for extras or audiences. This can be very lucrative if you can organise a group. There are several Facebook groups where extra assignments are advertised. «Castingformidleren Norge» is one such group.
Websites for reselling products:
Many student organisations have good opportunities to earn their own money. The advantage of earning your own money for the organisation is that you can spend it exactly as you wish. This gives you more freedom to do what you want.
Some ideas:
Membership fees are a fixed amount that members of the organisation must contribute.
Waffle sales, lottery and other low-threshold programmes on campus.
Ticket revenues from our own events.
Sale of services. For example, a photography association can charge for taking LinkedIn portraits for students.
Read about Victor who received support from SSN for his film club.
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