Courses for student associations

Welcome to the association courses! Here you can learn the important must haves in your role as a student volunteer. Good luck!


1 hour 15 min

Course: Recruiting volunteers

In this course, we take you through the entire recruitment process. The goal is for you to come out on the other side with new tools, ready to recruit people to your association!

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1 hour 15 min

Course: Marketing for student associations

In the marketing course, the goal is for you to learn more about marketing your student association or organization.

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Board work and meetings
1 time

Course: Board work and chairing meetings in student associations

This course provides an introduction to general board work, how the board works best together and how to conduct good meetings.

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40 min

Course: Finances for student associations

In the finance course, you will gain insight into the essentials that need to be in place to keep your association's finances under control.

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