Group training

Mon 06 Jan

Group training is fun, and for many it is more effective to work out with others. Find a session that suits you in the schedule for your gym.

Find a session that suits you

Get started with working out now, we look forward to meeting you in the gym!

SSN's three sports centers offer a variety of group training classes each week. How about a session on the bike, a fun hour of circuit training or a good yoga class?

You will find the group training offer for your fitness center under "Group sessions".

Yoga at the student sports centre in Vestfold
Circuit training at Moov in Drammen

Find hikes, student sports and other activities in the Sørøst-calendar

Follow the Sørøst calendar or contact the student sports/student society on campus if you are curious about their training offer:

  1. Vestfold - VSIL

  2. Kongsberg - Trimius/Studentsamfunnet

  3. Porsgrunn - Studentsamfunnet

  4. Ringerike - Ringerike Athletic

  5. Bø - Bø studentidrettslag

  6. Rauland SFO

Check out the entire list of student organisations at USN.