Beverstien. Photo: Aud Iren Kittilsen /
We have found several trips on Rauland that are nice to walk both during summer and winter.
During April, joint tours or activities will be set up on most campuses. Filter your campus in the Sørøst-calendar and find walks where you are, or other things to join!
Campus Rauland is surrounded by beautiful nature on all sides, and offers countless hiking opportunities. Spring time can be challenging when it comes to walking near Campus Rauland. Depending on the onset of spring, there will normally be snow both in Beverstien and on the hiking trail at AIR until well into April. One must therefore consider where it is best to go, either on foot or on skis. Anyway, here are some suggestions for trips near the campus:
Beverstien is a nice round track at USN / Raulandsakademiet. You mainly walk on a path, and in some places on a dirt road. Along the way you have a great view of Totak. You have to cross a beaver dam on the round, hence the name "Beverstien". It can be damp and wet in April, but if the snow hasn't disappeared and it's cold at night, you can go out.
At the rehabilitation center in Rauland, there is a lighted ski trail that is groomed with a trail machine. The preparation usually ends after Easter, but with cold nights it is probably possible to go there beyond April. If you want a longer round, you can go over to Juvlandsvegen and continue on the light track behind Rauland school. After Easter, it will probably be possible to go in groups on the Ådalen trail that runs from Spar/Jernia and up Ådalen towards the mountain.
If you don´t have skies, the Student Democracy at Rauland have skies available for hire.
Stay tuned at for updated trail maps.
Snowshoes are a good alternative to skiing. Vinje hiking team has snowshoes for loan.
In addition, the municipality has an equipment bank that has snowshoes for loan. All the equipment is at the library in Åmot, but you can call and have the equipment transported to Rauland.
If you don't want to ski, and Beverstien is impassable, it's also nice to walk the road that runs along Totak. Both Totakvegen and Neslandsvegen offer beautiful views of mountains and water. Perhaps you simply want to kill two birds with one stone by going for a trip to Krossen and having a good cup of coffee at Lega Ysteri and bakery?
Stay tuned at for updated trail maps.