We need to belong #makeroom

Fri 29 Sep
Helse/HF - Helsefremmende og forebyggende/verdensdagen_artikkel-9_zapfiu

This years theme for World Mental Health Day is We need to belong #lagplass (make room). SSN Health is marking the day in collaboration with a number of other stakeholders on the USN campus.

Joint efforts against loneliness and exclusion

World Mental Health Day is a national campaign to promote mental health awareness. This year, the theme is We need to belong to #lagplass. The theme will contribute to joint efforts to combat loneliness and exclusion. Belonging and feeling part of a community that accepts us for who we are is important for our mental health.

This year's theme for World Mental Health Day is We need to belong to #team space

Why does SSN want to be involved in the celebration of World Mental Health Day?

The 2022 Student Health and Well-being Survey (SHoT) shows that many students have friends and are socially active. However, the survey shows that as many as 1 in 3 have few friends and 7% state that they have no friends. Feeling a sense of belonging is a basic need for all of us.

The purpose of this year's theme is to help ensure that important meeting places are more inclusive and invite us to come together even though we are different.

To achieve this, a little self-reflection can be helpful: How do I meet other people? Who do I invite to lunch? Does everyone on my course have a study group they are part of? Am I open to expanding my network and inviting someone who may not have many people to join? Do I look up and say hello to those around me?


SSN is collaborating with the Student Democracy, student volunteers, host municipalities, volunteers and non-profit organizations to mark World Mental Health Day.

We hope many people will visit the stands and activities organized on the campuses.

Everyone is encouraged to do what the campaign says, namely #lagplass so that the campus becomes a place where we experience inclusion and belonging.

📅 You can find the events and what's happening on your campus in the Sørøst-calendar:

The Sørøst-calendar

Not found your crew yet?

It's still early in the academic year and it's quite common not to have found "your crew" yet. If you need suggestions for finding new study friends, we suggest you read the blog post Do something together, written by Frøydis Haukeland, student relations advisor at Campus Bø.

Do you need someone to talk to? We at SSN Health are here for you 🫶