Good for you!

Thu 09 Jan
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Good for you is an interdisciplinary SSN concept that will help promote physical, mental and social student health.

Criteria for Good for you

👯‍♀️ Good for you and the social aspect

Your relationships: there is security and empowerment in doing something together. Relationships provide room for support, and the opportunity to give to another person. This provides social capital and contributes to feeling important.

🫀Good for you and your body

A nutritious diet affects the stomach by keeping you full and helping digestion. Healthy and good raw materials also contribute to a physical and mental surplus.
Physical activity brings a number of health benefits. Better fitness gives you more energy, better sleep quality and reduces stress hormones.

🧠 Good for you and your brain

Physical activity has an immediate positive effect on the brain and increases learning. It contributes to increased attention, better regulation of emotions, improved memory, problem solving, planning and organisation
Activity promotes physical, mental and social health because activity contributes to movement and/or to learning something new.

🎭 Good for you and your mood

Emotional life is affected by the experience of belonging. Seeking out a new arena, meeting place or community promotes mental health (emotional support) by strengthening the experience of connection and meaning. This can contribute to belief in coping and belonging.

Hverdagsgledens 5 and the ABC model

Good for you is an overall framework based on "Hverdagsgledens 5" and the ABC model. Both programs are based on prepared advice for increased quality of life, which in turn will contribute to better physical and mental health.

Questions or input?

The Department for Health Promotion and Prevention in SSN quality-assures the activities and measures in the Good for you concept. If you have questions or input, these can be directed to head of department, Tone Kristin Rogne:

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Tone Kristin Rogne

Counsellor student relations / dept. manager [email protected]

PS! Did you know that there is an easily accessible adviser on your campus, who is there to ensure that you and your fellow students are doing good?

Read more about the advisers