Be nice, don't steal in the canteen

Fri 13 Sep
Om SSN/Hvem er SSN-film/Simon_med_vest_forfra_2_meugs3

Shoplifting and theft are pretty bad things. Unfortunately, SSN's canteens are subject to a lot of theft, and what's extra annoying about that is that it primarily affects YOU.

Why does shoplifting in the canteen affect me?

Well, here's the thing: Student welfare organizations in Norway provide welfare services to students. SSN is the student welfare organization in Southeastern Norway and provides many different services to students in Southeastern Norway, including eateries. SSN owns the canteen and borrows the premises from USN.

BUT there is no rich guy at the top who owns SSN and takes the profit. All our profits go back into the operation. As our goal is to operate for students, it's really stupid for students to steal from us! In practice, this means that students who shoplift and contribute to the loss in the canteens are taking from "the poor"-i.e., themselves. There's not much Robin Hood about that.

Who is SSN and what is a studentsamskipnad? Student and chairperson in SSN, Emma Holt, explains.

What is categorized as stealing in the canteen?

  • To take something from the canteen without paying for it (or intending to pay for it) is stealing.

  • Cheating with the items at the self-checkout to get a lower total is also stealing.

  • Wandering around the canteen, picking up something, putting something back, picking up something else and leaving - that is of course stealing as well.

If the canteen is running with loss, it may mean that other social services for those same students will suffer. Or that prices have to be raised to cover the loss - which also affects the students.

So hey, students! Be nice and smart, don't steal from the canteen!

Random controls in the canteen

To prevent theft in the canteen, there will be random checks at self-service checkouts in the future. The checkouts will print out a receipt, so remember to bring this with you.

Read more about SSN