Wednesday 6. Nov, 14:15 - 15:15
Papirbredden 1, A2503, Drammen
Money rules and all that🥵
Sure, economics can be fun too, but it's undoubtedly demanding in every way when you have to count the pennies💸 Everyone can recognise that. You are therefore very welcome to a lecture on student finances on 6 November at 14:15. We are lucky enough to have Hallgeir Kvadsheim visiting us. You'll probably recognise him as the personal finance expert who fronted the TV programme ‘Luksusfellen’ (The Luxury Trap), where he gave financial advice to those who needed it. He is also known for writing for newspapers such as Dagbladet and Dine Penger. This is a free lecture that is sure to be useful to you!
Registration deadline 4 Nov. We have 209 places.