Friskis & Svettis - free for students #styrkeuka

Welcome to Friskis & Svettis Bø.
In connection with Strength Week 2024 (, we offer free training for students all week.
Thursday is multi-training.

We are located in the sportshall of Bø Skule at address Gamleveg 71. We offer a varied selection of group classes and our goal is to offer easily accessible and enjoyable training that can suit everyone. All leaders and instructors are trained and licensed via Friskis & Svettis.
We focus on the fact that if exercise become part of everyday life, we enjoy going to training. The training must give joy and the desire to come back. What is fun to train varies from person to person. That is precisely why we offer several different training concepts. No matter what you choose, the workout is an experience for both body and mind.
At Friskis&Svettis, we see exercise as a natural part of life. All people need to move to feel good.
Therefore, we have a culture completely free of performance requirements and competition.
With us, you can be exactly who you are. It is and has always been our idea to be for everyone – regardless of age, lifestyle and interests.

Here is our weekly programme:*7y2snp*_up*MQ..*_ga*MzU2Mzk0OC4xNzMwMDU0NTM3*_ga_9E5FHYEKM3*MTczMDA1NDUzNi4xLjAuMTczMDA1NDUzNi4wLjAuMA..


Thursday 31. Oct, 20:00 -


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