Intro course river kayaking

Welcome to an intro course for river kayaking. Here you can try river kayaking and get an introduction to the club.
The course has limited places of 10 people, registration takes place at the fb event - first come, first served.
The prices are 200kr for intro courses and possibly 300kr for membership in Bø paddle group. You can pay with Vipps, Mobilepay, cash or by bank transfer.
We meet at the clubhouse at the parking lot at Bø Museum at Oterholt.
The club has all equipment, incl. wetsuits. It can be an advantage to bring a thin layer of wool, wet shoes/light sneakers and possibly your own paddling equipment.
All participants must be able to swim and feel reasonably comfortable in water. Kayaking experience is not necessary for participation, but of course welcome.
Welcome, and welcome to the Bø paddle group!
Instructor: Alfred


Wednesday 11. Sep, 16:00 -


Read more/register