If you have paid the semester fee to one Norwegian student welfare organisation, you can access services at other universities in the country via the organisations' guest scheme.
Receive student offerings no matter where you are
The visiting/guest agreement can be particularly relevant if you periodically take subjects, write an assignment or are in practice somewhere other than where you usually study.
With this offering, you get access to many services at other organizations than the one you originally belong to. The offers can be, for example, training, housing, catering, kindergartens and health services.
Note that the individual student organizations have different ways of prioritizing the offers, and that some offers are not included in the scheme, for example reimbursement of health expenses. You apply for a health reimbursement via your own organization.
Student visiting Southeast Norway? SSN has these offerings for you:
If you have paid gym membership where you usually study (at a sports center run by your welfare org.), you have the right to "guest train" with us!
You are also entitled to a student discount if you want to subscribe to a membership at one of our gyms.
When you have paid your tuition fee and can submit your valid student card, you are entitled to a student discount in all our eateries.
Feel free to download our app Student Sørøst, to buy Coffee Card (get 12, pay for 8), get a Barista card (get every eighth barista coffee for free) and Student bonus (cashback) on the food you buy in the eatery.
If you need student housing in Southeast Norway, you can rent housing from us at the same price as students affiliated with SSN.
If you need someone to talk to, you can contact our switchboard to find out if our psychologists/therapists have spare capacity.
Services NOT included in the arangement:
You can not apply for health expense reimbursement or student activity funding.
Here you must use the offer from the organization to which you have paid your semester fee (see list of links to the country's organizations at the bottom of the page).
Student from Southeast Norway and visiting another university or college?
Once you have paid the semester fee to SSN, you get guest access to large parts of the offerings at the student welfare organizations around the country.
The different organizations have slightly different offers available to their guests. Therefore, take a look at the website of the relevant organization, to find out what the guest arrangement entails just there.