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Frequently asked questions about: Student benefits
You can apply for SSN for money - aka student funds - for activities for students. There are some criteria that must be met in order for the application to be approved, one of the most important of which is that the activities must be run by students and be for the students at educational institutions affiliated to SSN.
See the criteria for allocation of student funds here.
The goal of distributing money for student activities is to stimulate a rich, inclusive and lively student environment. We want to help you thrive while you study. Students who thrive more often complete their studies on time.
Read more about student funds and find the application form.
In order to apply for support, the activities must be run by students and be for the students at educational institutions affiliated to SSN:
USN's eight campuses (Bø, Drammen, Kongsberg, Notodden, Porsgrunn, Rauland, Ringerike and Vestfold).
Fagskolen in Viken, Kongsberg (former Tinius Olsen).
There are two deadlines per semester:
Autumn semester:
15 September and 15 November.
Spring semester:
15 February and 15 April.
If you have paid your semester fee and are a student at the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN), Fagskolen i Viken, Kongsberg, Fagskolen i Vestfold and Telemark or Stavern Police College, you may apply for health expense refunds.
You fill out the application form after logging in or registering at My page.
You can receive reimbursements for several different out of pocket health expenses. To see what services are included in the arrangement, read the Guidelines for health expense refunds. Here you can also find information about the amounts you can have refunded, as well as general information and information regarding appealing against decisions.
Unfortunately we no longer have cabins for rent. Check out Visit Vestfold, Visit Telemark or Visit Viken for a good overview of cabin rentals where you are.
You create a user on My Page yourself.
On My Page, you can apply for student housing and health expence refund. This is also where you report faults and deficiencies in your student housing, or report noise etc. This is also where those of you with a key card can change the PIN code to your card, or even lock yourself in digitally with My keycard.
You will also find an overview of your tenancy, such as an invoice for rent and you can apply for additional services such as storage or parking space. You see an overview of ongoing and previous applications.
Remember to update your contact information on My Page, for example if you change your telephone number or get a new e-mail address. It is important that your contact information is up to date, so that we as the lessor can get in touch with you. We usually use e-mail or SMS when we send you information.
Semester fee = Valid student ID
The semester fee is a statutory fee for all students who register for the exam. It helps to cover the operation of the student organization and any expenses for copies and transcripts. Once the semester fee has been paid, your student ID is valid.
It is the educational institution you belong to, that collects and registers the payment of the semester fee. If you are having questions regarding payment, deadlines or need a confirmation of your payment and the registration of you as a student, please contact your campus, not SSN.
Deadlines for paying the semester fee:
1 September for fall semester
1 February for spring semester
Click the Book financial advice-button.
You will now be directed to our contact form.
Write that you want an appointment for financial counselling, and state when it is convenient for you to meet at Zoom. The appointment can be made on weekdays between 10.00-15.00.
We will contact you with a proposed time for an appointment.
You must have a USN user on Zoom, as this is where the call will take place.
Before the meeting starts, you will receive an email from one of our financial advisors with a meeting invitation.
Click on the link in the email to start the conversation and we will meet at Zoom!
To cancel, please let us know via our contact form.
Please cancel your appointment as early as possible and at least 24 hours before it starts.
Your income and assets have no impact on how much loan you can get, but if the amounts are higher than the limits, you will receive a smaller grant. It is a good idea to be aware of these limits so that you know how much you can earn without affecting your grant.
See Lå for more information about how much you can earn or have in assets.
Whether you live in student housing or rent or own a home, you should have homeowners insurance. Fire, theft, bed bugs or water damage can be costly, and if you have home insurance, it will cover anything you lose in the accident (such as computers, clothes, furniture and appliances, books, bicycles, etc.).
Most banks and insurance companies have good deals for students up to a certain age (often 34). Check around to find the best deal for you. You should expect to pay NOK 100-200 per month.
Travel insurance is not only necessary and good to have when you are stranded on holiday abroad without luggage or can't get home, but is just as important in everyday life. Travel insurance is valid from the moment you walk out the door. If you are the victim of theft on the bus on the way to school, your travel insurance will cover the PC that was in your bag.
Exactly what your travel insurance covers will depend on who you have taken out insurance with - but the rule is that you SHOULD have travel insurance!
Yes, you need contents insurance 😉
You should provide a contents insurance when moving in to your own place, including student housing.
SSN as a lessor is responsible for keeping our buildings and our equipment insured, but you must ensure that you insure your personal assets, as these are not covered through SSN's insurance.
First of all: check if you are covered by your parents' insurance, before you take out your own contents insurance.
Why contents insurance?
Should unforeseen events such as a fire, water damage, burglary of your home or shed occur, this can lead to expenses and losses for you as a resident. You can use the contents insurance to limit your own financial loss in such cases. If you do not have contents insurance, you will have to pay for such extra expenses yourself. It can be expenses for temporary residence if your home becomes uninhabitable, or expenses for clothes, books, bicycles, PCs, etc. that you need on a daily basis.