The Student Welfare Organisation of Southeast Norway (SSN) works for a more responsible and sustainable business practice.
Accountability in all value chains
Our business affects society and the environment around us, and it is important for us to ensure accountability and dignified conditions in all parts of our value chains.
Carrying out due diligence assessments in our own business and our value chains must ensure that we respect human rights, safeguard decent working conditions and minimize damage to the environment in accordance with our guidelines and principles.
Risk mapping
We have carried out an overall risk mapping of our purchase categories, which forms the basis for further mapping and prioritization of risk in SSN. We will work actively with internal processes and routines related to the model for due diligence assessments (see picture below) and report on the work in accordance with the law in our sustainability report in 2023.

OECD's due diligence guidelines.
Our work is based on the UN's Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP, 2011) and the OECD's due diligence guidance for responsible business conduct (OECD, 2018). These are based on the UN's sustainability goals, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labor Organization's (ILO) core conventions on fundamental principles and rights in working life.
Responsible Purchasing
We consider responsible purchasing to be one of our most important tools in the work for a more sustainable business practice.
Through our ethical guidelines for suppliers (Code of conduct), we will set requirements for basic human and labor rights, climate and environment, anti-corruption and animal welfare from our suppliers.
We work to adapt our procurement so that we strengthen, and not undermine, suppliers' ability to deliver on the requirements we set to ensure responsible conditions in our supply chains.
Statement of due diligence
SSN is a member of Ethical Trading Norway, and our annual report to them fulfils the requirements of the Transparency Act. Please find the reports here (in Norwegian only):
Due diligence for sustainable business practices in SSN - report for 2023 (PDF).
Due diligence for sustainable business practices in SSN - report for 2022. (PDF).
Inquiries related to the Transparency Act can be sent to [email protected].