SSN's services at USN campus Hallingdal

Tue 10 Sep

As a student in Gol at USN campus Hallingdal, your social welfare organisation has many services to offer you!

🫶 SSN is here for you

Your student welfare organisation is us, SSN - The Student Welfare Organisation in Southeast-Norway. The majority of the semester fee you pay goes to us, so that we can offer welfare services and contribute to a good student life for you and your fellow students. Unfortunately, we don't have student housing or a canteen in Gol, but you can make use of many of our other services:

📚 Academic literature

Norli Akademisk at Ringerike has full control of the syllabus for studies at USN campus Hallingdal. You can order books from Ingeborg in the bookshop at USN Campus Ringerike and have them sent home. We will have a pop-up shop on campus during the start of the programme.

Bookstore at Ringerike

🦷 Health expense refund

Have you had expenses for a doctor, physiotherapist, dentist, psychologist or similar? If so, you can apply to SSN for health reimbursement and get some of the money back. There are two deadlines a year, but we process applications on an ongoing basis as long as you apply by the deadline for the previous semester.

More about expence refund

♥️ SSN Health

Everyone who has paid their semester fee to SSN can use the free counselling service with a psychologist or therapist. As a student at campus Hallingdal, you can book a free digital consultation with SSN Health, where you will find an available appointment that suits you (there is no permanent psychologist/therapist associated with Hallingdal).

The counselling service

💰 Money for student activities

Would you like to start an organisation or an activity on campus? Then you can apply to SSN for funding to get started.

Find out more about SSN´s funding

🏦 Financial counselling

Making ends meet as a student can be tough. Check out our free financial courses or contact us to book a digital conversation with one of our financial counsellors.

Free economy advice

Read more: Student discounts

🛟 Help for student associations

SSN has free, digital courses for those who are volunteers involved in a student association. You will also find useful help pages and templates for use in student associations.

Everything about associations

You can also get in touch at [email protected] if you want to get involved or become involved in the new student community in Hallingdal.

Three years of testing

In December 2023, USN's Board of Directors decided that USN will offer programmes in Hallingdal through the Campus Hallingdal concept. After three years, the status and results will be evaluated, and a strategy for further development and academic profile will be established based on the results. Campus Hallingdal is currently not one of USN's eight campuses, but the board will decide on this after a period of three years.

More about campus Hallingdal at >

What's up in Hallingdal?