We live in one of the world's safest countries, but that does not mean that we are protected from either large or small crises. Do you have what you need to manage yourself for three days if the water, electricity and mobile network suddenly disappear?
When society is hit by a crisis, there are many people who need help, and the more people who are able to take care of themselves and those around them, the more help can be deployed where the need is greatest. This is how you are part of Norway's preparedness.
From 31 October to 6 November, the Directorate for Social Security and Preparedness (DSB) is organizing a nationwide campaign on self-preparedness in collaboration with the municipalities.
But why do we really need self-preparedness?
There are many reasons why it is advisable to have your own preparedness. Among other things, we see that climate change is leading to more extreme weather, which can lead to the loss of critical infrastructure such as water, electricity and mobile networks. Other events such as war and sabotage can make it difficult to obtain necessary goods. Nevertheless, it does not have to be the big crises that lead to everyday life being put on hold, it is just as well to have some extra dry food lying around when there is a full party in the kitchen in the collective, and when the power goes out in the middle of winter. Everyday crises are also crises.
So what can you do to prepare?
Fortunately, you don't have to run out and do big shopping, you can start by seeing what you already have in your cupboards. Most people have a lot of what they need! There is the basket of woolen blankets next to the sofa, candles and matches, a power bank for the mobile phone and the chocolate lurking in the back of the kitchen cupboard.
Bring some of what you need next time you go to the store, and check if you can buy some of the more expensive things used. Soon you'll have what you need!
The most important thing is to think about what could happen to you, what consequences it would have and what you would do to deal with it. The basic needs that must be met in the first days of a crisis are warmth, food, drink, medicines, hygiene and information. With a small spare stock of what you depend on the most, you have come a long way!
You can find a complete overview of what you need at sikkerhverdag.no, but we have summarized the most important things for you here:
Food: Food that you can prepare without electricity and water is a good idea, and preferably something that can be stored at room temperature and has a long shelf life. For example, crackers, energy bars and canned dinners.
Water: We can't survive without water for very long, so water is extremely important! We need it for drinking, cooking and hygiene. Poor hygiene can provide a breeding ground for infection - so it is important to have good hygiene when going to the toilet and cooking. Wet wipes and antibac can be helpful here. For drinking, cooking and hygiene, you need 9 liters of water per person for three days!
Power: Power is used for most things we do in everyday life. If you don't have electricity, you have to find other alternatives for cooking and providing heat. We therefore recommend warm clothes, a sleeping bag, a wood-burning stove and a primus to cook on. You can also agree with neighbors to give you shelter. Power bank or car can be used to charge phone.
Medicines: If you are dependent on medicines or medical aids, you must talk to your doctor or pharmacist about the possibility of having an extra supply, just remember to check the shelf life. You should always have a standard first aid kit and iodine tablets for nuclear incidents at home. It may be a good idea to brush up so that you master basic first aid.
Information: It is important to have access to official information. When the warning system (often called the flight alarm) goes off, you must seek information. NRK P1 is the official emergency channel. Remember that many people may have a vested interest in spreading misinformation, so only use reliable sources. To have good access to important information, you should have a DAB radio that runs on batteries, and extra batteries. The car radio can also be used.
I have never ...
You might think that you have never needed self-preparedness? Think again! All the times you've put on an extra woolen sweater because your boyfriend has turned down the heat to save electricity, or when you've had to dig out the old bag of soup from behind the drawer on the day you couldn't make it to the store, you've used your emergency stockpile! With a small reserve stock, you are ready for both large and small crises.
See a full overview of advice and equipment at Sikkerhverdag.no