Answers to the Gold Bonus quiz

Mon 02 Sep

The total number of participants in the Gold Bonus competition 24/25 has been 4767. If you had all correct, YOU can be one of the lucky winners of NOK 300 per month for ten months!

If you got everything right, you're in the draw!

Only participants who get everything right in the quiz are entered into the draw for the Gold Bonus, but ALL participants will receive a NOK 30 student bonus in the app at the beginning of September.

Here are the correct answers in the quiz:

1. What is SSN?

  • A band

  • A vocational school

  • A student welfare organisation ✅

2. One of these statements is true. Which one is true?

  • All SSN's income goes to the board

  • If SSN makes a profit, we must give it to the authorities

  • SSN is required by law to use all income for student-oriented services ✅

3. The chair and the majority of SSN's board are students.

  • Correct ✅

  • Wrong

4. What do you have to do to be able to take advantage of SSN's welfare offers?

  • Pay the semester fee ✅

  • Pay a monthly membership fee of NOK 599

  • Participate in an SSN charity event at least four times a year

The winners will be contacted. Congratulations to the lucky ones!

We reward survey responses with coupons in the app, so stay tuned for more things to enter:

Answer and win